Sunday, September 9, 2007

One week down...

We survived our first week of school, but we are all exhausted! It was extrememly hot on Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday. My classroom was 87 degrees at the end of the day on Thursday. The students were dripping sweat onto their desk tops!
Lydia was excied to be back at Jenny's house and made some new friends. She also accompanied me to Noah's football practice. This morning she sang out loud to all the songs at church.
Jake had a very good week of school and caught a bunch of grasshoppers up at the high school during Noah's football practice. He is our nature / animal guy.
Noah had his first football game. He did a great job and felt pretty good about how things went. His team lost 7-6, but they played hard!
Jeff and Deb spent a lot of time on school work and we both helped out with the children's ministry program at Journey North Church. Our church has branched off in two directions and we have chosen to go with the Journey North 'branch'. We held our first sevice this morning at Pine Technical College, and things went well, with a few wrinkles to work out.
The pool was also installed on Thursday and Friday. We still have a few things to do. The kids want to go swimming, but I think we will need to wait until spring - the water is soooooo cold!

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