Tuesday, September 4, 2007

A good first day

We all had a good first day of school. Jeff has some large 8th grade classes, but a smaller biology and anatomy class. The high school was very warm and the students were tired and sweating by the end of the day. We really need air conditioning! After school then was tennis practice. Deb had a pretty good day in her new classroom. Noah came home all smiles. He really had a good day and has lots of buddies in his class. Jake came home and told us about some 'new' friends (girls) in his class and how he and one of the girls lost their two front teeth on the same day! Lydia had fun at Jenny's house but was exhausted. She could not even finish her supper and went up to bed.
Noah's football team scrimmaged the 5th grade students tonight. They made some great plays and made those older kids work hard. Noah is a maniac on defense. He made a number of tackles and caused a few fumbles. He likes being rough and tough and making tackles. We are looking forward to his first game this weekend.
So we all survived the first day back. It was a warm one, but we made it. Only 3 more days until the weekend, and 174 student days until summer vacation!

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