Sunday, August 3, 2008

Pine Couty Fair Weekend

The fair always marks the beginning of the end to summer vacation. It came much too soon. Jill, Tom, and the kids came up on Friaday and we spent the day in the pool. We had a lot of fun and finally gave our waterproof camera a try (we were too chicken to submerge it up until this point). The kids had a great time! We finished the evening off by watching the Twins.
I got up early Saturday morning and drove to Richfield to run in the Urban Wildland Half marathon. It was a beautiful morning, and the course was great! This was in the neighborhood that I lived in while going to the U of M. We ran through the neighborhoods and many of the parks and wildlife areas. I definitely will un this one again. I finished in uder 2 hours which was my goal. I then jumped back in the trailblaxer and drove home so that I could catch lunch with everyone before heading out to the fair to go on rides. Noah is starting to enjoy the rides. Jake likes the rides too, but after a few spinning rides, he had enough. Jake and I went to the parade with Mom, Grandpa Henry, Jill, Tom, Jordan, Taylor, and Scott, Shari, and Sami (friends of Jill and Tom). Noah rode on a float with a buddy of his, and Deb and Lydia were in the parade with our church. After the parade we went out for pizza and then everyone came back to our house for some night swimming! Sunday was a day of rest - after Deb and I did Sunday School for the kids at church! Busy weekend, but a great time!

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